Green Heart Living
Making the World
a More Loving & Peaceful Place,
One Book at a Time
At Green Heart Living Press, we offer comprehensive publishing and writing support to help writers in the genres of personal development/self-help,
memoir, business/entrepreneurship,
spiritual growth and transformational leadership.
We are a woman-owned business based in Farmington, Connecticut. We specialize in amplifying the voices of authors from communities that often find themselves marginalized.
We believe that by sharing our stories, we break down stigma and prejudice, increase empathy and understanding, and make the world a more peaceful and compassionate place for all.
New Releases - 2025
Stories of healing, family, and strength.
The Youngest Bee
A Louisiana Story of Sisterhood, Strength, and Alzheimer's
by Virginia Evans
The Youngest Bee is more than just a story of determination triumphing over tragedy. It is a love story. The bond Virginia shares with her sisters, “The Four Bees,” and “finding laughter among the chaos” are what propelled them through their darkest days—from mental illness to cancer and dementia. The romance of Red and Mildred is woven throughout as the common thread that holds the family together.
Letters to Betty
The Anatomy of One Woman's Grief
by Mary Bub
Reeling and numb after the death of her beloved husband Don, Mary Bub turned to writing to navigate the journey from grief and despair to healing and purpose. Letters to Betty is like talking to a close friend. They provide comfort and inspiration to others traveling through their own journey of loss.
The Abundant Author™ Guidebook
The Green Heart Living Press Guide to Publishing Your Nonfiction Book in 2025
by Elizabeth B. Hill, MSW
Is this the year you publish your book? This guidebook will give you the tools you need to publish your book and help it reach as many readers as possible. This book will lead you through the seven steps needed to grow a book: 1) Vision, 2) Write, 3) Edit, 4) Design, 5) Proof, 6) Launch, and 7) Grow.
Turn your story into GOLD.
Your Free Publishing Guide
Do you have a great idea for a book - but aren't sure how to pull it all together?
Sign up below to receive a complete breakdown of how to bring your book from an idea in your head into reality.
Want to publish your own book?
Elizabeth Hill and the team at Green Heart Living have
helped over 150 writers become best-selling authors in the U.S. and internationally.
Could you be next?
© 2016